Loyalty. Integrity. Respect.

Dedicated to Your Satisfaction for 100 Years


In a world of perpetual change, one constant has remained reassuringly unchanged for an entire century: the values and commitment of Mill Supply Co.

Over the past 100 years, Mill Supply has evolved from a simple hardware store in Fells Point to a multi-million-dollar wholesale distributor serving the needs of the multi-family housing, renovation and new construction industries.

Fast & Accurate Shipping

We are constantly adapting to these ever-changing industries and to the needs and preferences of our customers, we have improved many facets of our business, including a barcode verification scanning system to reduce errors and improve accuracy. We have added more than 500 new items to our inventory and we are stocking products deeper to increase fill rates and improve our order-fulfillment lead times with a majority of orders shipping within one day.

Over 80,000 Products

While others in the industry continually eliminate thousands of items from their stock, we’ve taken the opposite approach and we have added more than 80,000 items to our website. These items can be purchased alongside our stock items and on the same purchase orders. Moreover, we believe that the diversity of our customers should reflect in the diversity of our items, and we want to ensure that you have everything you need to get the job done quickly, accurately and under budget.

Genuine Customer Service

Mill Supply Co. effectively blends the personal, friendly service of a mom-and-pop shop with the expertise, variety, and competitive pricing of the big-box stores, offering every customer the genuine best of both worlds: top-notch service with fast, free delivery and excellent fill rates; grade-A products at competitive prices; and a warm, friendly atmosphere provided by longstanding employees, all of whom boast extensive industry knowledge while on a first-name basis with every client.
Ask about our free next day shipping!
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